Reddit Users Can't Get Over This Image of Mushrooms

Power of Internet? Oh yes, it is finally taking a major turn to make the people aware about everything. Internet is now not confined to diving into the life of celebrities, it's not about sharing one'sweirdest experiences on social networking sites, it is now helping the power of awareness to spread in every possible manner. 

A recent photo uploaded by Reddit user DeBoBi  is going viral all over the web, that shows mushrooms growing on the floor of an Indian train. We aren't cracking jokes, Yes it's about Mushrooms. 

Passengers generally hate the food in Indian trains. And because people frequently complain that the ingredients of the food served in trains are not fresh, this might be Railway minister Suresh Prabhu's way of ensuring you at least get fresh mushrooms in the train, some Redditors suggestedSomewhere a thoughtful guy is happy that Suresh Prabhu has decided that Indian Railway should also grow its own food. 

And the irony lies in the fact that the mushrooms grew near the toilet doors. 


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