The Harsh Truth - Anaemia among Indian Women.

According to the Global Nutrition Report 2017, more than 51% women of all ages are anaemic. The prevalence of anaemia in India is quite a situation. Among the states, Assam has dire condition 72% of married women are anaemic, even the condition of Punjab is not so well which is one among the prosperous states.

WHO describes Anaemia as a condition in which the number of red blood cells or their oxygen-carrying capacity is insufficient to meet physiologic needs, which vary by age, sex, altitude, smoking, and pregnancy status.The most common cause of anaemia is thought to be iron deficiency, it can also be caused by lack of vitamins like B12 and lack of folic acid. It can also be caused by certain diseases like malaria or due to excessive blood loss.

In India 3 out of 4 women are anaemic, statistics show India has the highest cases of anaemia in the whole world according to NFHS-III taken in 2005-2006. Anaemia is mainly found in pregnant and lactating women. According to the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017 report, 51.4% of women in reproductive ages are anaemic. Anaemia is also very prevalent in adolescent girls who constitute a substantial portion of the population.  

The causes of anaemia vary and can be many. In India, a very important reason is the patriarchal society and poverty. Due to dominance of males in the society, the women often are deprived of the necessary nutrients which will be conducive to their growth. Girls mainly after reaching puberty need more nutrients due to their menstrual cycle where there is a loss of 0.6 mg of iron every month. Also the status of a woman after marriage depends on the number of male children she bears.

Poverty is yet another important factor, iron deficiency is mainly caused by the low intake of nutritious food, also the lack of Vitamin C and B12 and low folic acid are its important causes. A pregnant woman needs three times as much as nutrition than an average person which is often not possible in a poor household. Also vegetarians are liable to anaemia than non-vegetarians, as the absorption of animal protein is easier than plant protein. Also certain kinds of meat like red meat is rich in iron.

Another cause of anaemia which is water borne disease, other diseases like malaria is also prevalent in the poor areas who have a low level of sanitation and hygiene. Also they don’t have access to the health care facilities.

The symptoms of anaemia are pretty hard to catch, owing to this often mild levels of anaemia are found in the ladies of wealthy educated families. There are certain common signs like drowsiness, pale coloured lips, fatigue or changing colour of stool.

There are drastic effects of anaemia, high mortality rates among women is an effect. Often the pregnant women have a low life expectancy due to anaemia, children could have low IQ rates or stunted growths.  Adolescent girls can have low development of reproductive organs and can have complications in future pregnancies.

Government have tried to solve the problems by distribution of iron tablets and conducting several programs. But the distribution of iron tablets merely will not solve the problem, iron tablets have side effects like vomiting and diarrhoea among pregnant women, thus increasing their discomfort.

Therefore intake of nutritious foods such as eggs and vegetable are important. Also Chamomile tea also helps in increasing iron levels. Apart from that, doctor prescribed medicines can also solve the problems.

In the concluding portion, we can say that the problem of anaemia among women is a persistent one and difficult to solve. As long as the poverty and malnutrition among women remains, the problem will be a permanent house guest.

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