Getting scars has become a normal part of our life however in the near future we might get relieved of those scars because researchers have found a method to prevent and eliminate those scars by prompting wounds to heal up as normal skin and not as a scar tissue.

Scar tissues appear different than normal skin because they don’t possess any fat cells or hair follicles. Small cuts are filled with skin that comprises of fat cells known as Adipocytes which helps them to blend in with the surrounding area.But that doesn’t happen for scar tissue, which largely comprises of Myofibroblasts.

This research shows that we might be able to convert Myofibroblasts into Adipocytes which will help a scar tissue to look like normal skin. Earlier this kind of conversion was possible only in fish and amphibians.
The research builds upon the previou
s study that built a link between the method how the fat cells and hair follicles evolved in the regenerated skin. Both of them would form separately but not independently as the hair follicles will always appear first.

This triggered the team to try and persuade the growth of hair follicles in scar tissue and it was formed in samples of mice and humans skin. Hair follicles were then noticed to release a protein known as Bone Morphogenetic Protein during their development phase which then converted the Myofibroblasts to Adipocytes.

The results showed an improvement over the much publicised plastic surgery which reduces the appearance of scars but doesn’t eliminate them completely.

According to Maksim Plikus of the University of California who is a co-author of the study, the observation involves the regeneration of completely new fat cells from Myofibroblasts which are the main type of cells causing scarring.He further added that this study means that instead of just being reduced, scar tissue can be eliminated completely and then replaced by normal tissues through the regeneration mechanism.

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