For whom you are waiting for if you haven't done bollywood flash mob till now, if not do it this Republic day.

Flash mob become so famous in few years it help to do advertisement basically of an organisation or product or some special ocassion.

Bollywood Flash Mob means a large public gathering at which people perform on bollywood song an unusual or seemingly random act and then disperse from the place.

A bolloywood flash mob is becoming popular all over the world. People from outside of the India do bollywood flash mob to propose his love, to give surprise to their love, on marrage ceremony etc.

It perform occassionally by a big group of people they perform on many songs on road side, inside the mall, public park. To organize a flash mob we have to keep some points in our mind.

By which purpose we are going to do flash mob, what we are going to do in flash mob, watch some flash mob videos on youtube to get some more ideas to make your flash mob perfect, organize the flash mob event invite the people to join with your group to perform a flash mob on occassion, provide a clear instruction to each and every person of the groud what they have to do at what time and where. After this we have to arrange the costume and props if needed, visit to your location to know the limitation of that place, organise a quality videography to record the whole event, then go to your task and finish it like nothing ever happend.

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